OUR Service

PetroWave Energy Oil & Gas Services has developed strong capabilities of serving both upstream and downstream oilfield operations.
In this competitive world there is a need of high quality and reliable equipment, which should be built for operation in extreme environmental conditions and should also withstand great depth’s and pressure. Our dedicated team will work with you to ensure you get the best tools and people for your project at the right time.


Project Management

Streamline employee engagement, reduce turnover, ensure compliance and save valuable time with the Connect team HR solution, built and designed for deskless teams.
Oversee employees’ milestones for better team management Managing, reviewing, and evaluating your employees has never been easier. A highly customizable employee roadmap, presenting everything you need to facilitate growth and development.


Providing Labor Needs

PetroWave Energy Supplier Manpower with Management, accommodation, food, transportation and uniform. In case signing a contract with any company to supply labors and above, SUC will provide for 1 to person persons to stay in 5-stars hotel, air ticket in and mobile SIM cards, in addition to providing hall to Interview with labors and meals during the interview with best manpower supply Consultant.


Labor Management

We carry out project management, supervise and administer of specialized projects and manpower supply.

  • Employee recognition
  • Rewards
  • Mobile training & courses
  • Document management
  • Employee PipeLine & milestones

Labor Provision

Supply labors for oil & Gas industry, Power plant and building and Road construction, electric companies besides banks, hotels and other activities and the company can supply ordinary workers to different sectors.



PetroWave Energy had agencies to bring labors from outside Kuwait for construction, maintenance, inspection, Heavy Equipment and bridges building from Countries.